LawyerMaking© Coach Training Program


Course 1


Skills + Knowledge + Context

Offered by Good2BSocial and Threshold Advisors


Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2:00 E.S.T.




Coaching is a very complicated pursuit.  Yes, it involves listening, in depth focus, empathy and a strong desire to help but that is just the beginning.  Surrounding those important skills and intensions is a comprehensive understanding people—how they grow, how they relate, how their different experiences impact who they are, how they feel, what they want and more.  Knowing how to weave the skills with an in depth understanding of people is at the heart of what 1970s guru Virginia Satir called peoplemaking—what those of us who coach lawyers can call “lawyermaking.”


We created LawyerMaking© to provide a community and forum for coaches, and people who use coaching skills, of all levels, to continue to grow and learn. Together we will keep on evolving and helping lawyers advance and be fulfilled people.


LawyerMaking© offers a variety of learning opportunities for individuals with coaching responsibilities inside law firms. With both targeted coaching skills modules and learning focused specifically on business development coaching, strategic career advancement coaching, and coaching to support and drive success for diverse lawyers, LawyerMaking© provides ongoing education, experiential learning and peer to peer discussions poised to address the needs of in-firm coaches. Firms who utilize LawyerMaking© for their coaches will be assured that their professionals possess the skill development, continuous education and support needed to provide motivation and career enhancement to their lawyers.


Learning about people has been a part of my life as a psychologist and coach for 50 years.  What I learn, and continue to learn enables me to hear, see, connect, and give.  I look forward to sharing all of this with all who have chosen to be part of the support and growth system for attorneys.

Follow Karen on LinkedIn for weekly In-Firm Coaching Notes—ideas to add to your coaching tool box.

LawyerMaking© Coach Training Program

Skills + Knowledge + Context

Offered by Good2BSocial and Threshold Advisors


Programs and Curriculum


The LawyerMaking© programs and courses are designed to fit the learning needs of anyone who uses coaching skills to help lawyers grow and accomplish their goals.  Courses focus on skill acquisition; knowledge needed to understand the thinking styles of many lawyers and their specific professional requirements and challenges; and deepening  perspective needed to respect, empathize and attend to differences among individuals while also maintaining an acute awareness of the impact that each coach’s background has on his/her relationships.


Courses may be taken individually for individual course accreditation or combined over a two year period to receive a LawyerMaking© Certification.


The 2022-2023 Curriculum will be available only to individuals working a minimum of half time inside law firms.